Author: Agraciouswoman

Page: 3

The LORD’s Promise to His People!!! As I continue in the Book of Numbers, I want to point out why faith is integral. It is up to us to be obedient and observant of the promises of the LORD. The blessings and the curses. Pay attention! “Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Send men […]


Face to Face: A Friend of God!!! I am in the Book of Numbers and God is revealing His personal relationship with His prophets. Let me say it again. I am not a prophet, nor will I ever claim to be. Honestly, I am scared of the level of calling that comes with this. It […]


Our God is a Consuming Fire!!! Before I confirm that our God is a consuming fire and not to be played with, I want to remind everyone that we must stay ready. Especially in these end times. I have mentioned this before as a key lesson taught to the Israelites. “Now on the day that […]


A Blessing to God’s Chosen!!! I don’t know what will be added to this. But I want you to know the importance of the LORD’s blessing or blessings. “The LORD bless you, and keep you [protect you, sustain you, and guard you]; The LORD make His face shine upon you [with favor], and be gracious […]


Blessings and Curses (Part Two) As I continue where I left off, I want you to pay close attention to the Word of the LORD. As I continue to say, they have, are, and will happen again. The time of the end is coming soon. “And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your […]


Blessings and Curses!!! As I continue in Leviticus, God has warned us of the dangers of disobedience and unbelief. In these two things alone is concurrent with one who despises the LORD. This is something that has been done throughout the earth and it is clearly forbidden by God. “You shall not make idols for […]


It is There for a Reason!!! As I continue in the Book of Leviticus, I want to reiterate what I have said in the past. What is written has, is, or will happen. The warning is being given. As I recount what is mentioned in the 18th chapter, this continues, and it is considered to […]


The LORD is Holy!!! As I am reading in the Book of Leviticus, I want to point out something. It is very common for everyone to call those whom they believe to be overachievers “The Goat”. It is written: “Then Aaron presented the people’s offering. He took the goat for the sin offering of the […]


Guilty or Not, Repent!!! I am reading in the book of Leviticus and the Spirit is impressing upon me the importance of repentance. That even when done out of ignorance, we must not be callous in asking for forgiveness. Repentance was never meant to be taken lightly. God commanded that it be done immediately. As […]


Virtues of True Leaders!!! As I continue in the Book of Exodus, Moses has burned the calf and ground it to powder and dust.  It made me think of an action that parents would take when their children would speak in a profane language or lie. They would threaten and some actually would wash their […]


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