Author: Agraciouswoman

Page: 7

Is The Change Manifesting in You? As I see what is unfolding, it should be evident that God is bringing darkness into the light. I will never understand how anyone can say they truly know Him but insist on playing with Him. “And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His […]


What Are You Thankful For? This year no one asked me what I am thankful for. So, I am telling you that as I commune with the Spirit, I received a profound revelation. I am thankful that He chose me. A realization that humbles me is in these words of wisdom: 1) “Abide in me, […]


A Liar and a Murderer are One!!! I am reading in the book of Acts. But before I get started, I want to tell you the epiphany that was given to me. As a child and by divine inspiration, I would never believe a man or woman attempting to preach to me who has not […]


Stay Focused! The Deceit of Coveting! The Holy Spirit has been on me with this for a minute. The world calls it being mindful. I say, “Stay focused”! The impartation that I am receiving is that there is neither peace nor joy outside of the presence of Jesus. As I continue to read in the […]


All Will Be Resurrected!!! Some unto eternal life. And others unto eternal damnation. While reading from the book of Acts, Paul is being persecuted. Charged with unsubstantiated allegations. This response evoked emotion in me. “But I confess this to you, that according to the Way, which they call a [divisive and heretical] sect, I do […]


Favor Abounds, Even in Darkness Many times in life people give up on their circumstances, including forsaking their own lives. But if you know Jesus you are aware that His favor abounds even as hope seems to fade away. I continue in the book of Acts and as seen in the lives of the prophets; […]


We Rejected Him First!!! This is what the Holy Spirit has been impressing upon me for some time. What everyone is seemingly forgetting. God’s chosen people were the first to reject Him. Then we wonder why calamity overtakes us. Why we are surrounded by haters. And those who despise us. Many people do not want to […]


What Are You Seeking?!! I watched a video by Paster Donna Mosley entitled, “Why So Many Christians Are Spiritually Confused”! She dropped many gems. Which to me were confirmation of what the Holy Spirit has imparted to me. The first to be addressed is how everyone wants power. I want to add something because if […]


The Outer Appearance is Irrelevant to God!!! God has been dealing with me on this subject for a while now. As He is not a respecter of persons. Let me show you exactly what I mean by this statement. And add a revelation. When Samuel went to find and anoint the next king over Israel, […]


Will You Reject Him Also? This morning, I am reading the book of John and want to speak on some things. As men and women of God, we will be rejected. I experience this at work and in life, continually. This blatant disregard is used as a weapon by many. To discourage you. To make […]


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