Salt of the Earth, Be a Light
As I sit here, I am reminded that this morning while I was communing with the LORD, He directed me to the second epistle of Peter.
I felt that God was admonishing me to be the light. We were called. Personally chosen. And with this comes virtue that we must continue to grow in spiritually. That this can only be done by the continued exercising of faith and confidence in His Word.
This grace and peace come through the knowledge and intimacy that is experienced through an individualized relationship with Him.
We have already been given everything that we need through every divine promise.
Having been delivered from corruption. By faith these ethics are increased, less otherwise we become “ineffective and unproductive”. Failure to do so proves that we are willingly disobedient and sinful (regarding this dereliction), forgetting the grace that God has bestowed upon us.
We must continue to evolve into spiritual maturity, as long as we are in these temporary bodies.
As in Erica Campbell’s song “Well done”, that is what I am longing for, what I am fighting for, and am practicing the courage to die for. My favorite verse in that song is, “All my people bow down to the King on the throne!”
I am thankful to the Holy Spirit who divinely imparts His Word into our hearts. I feel Him right now inside my spirit. Great is His mercy towards me!!!
Originally written on January 23, 2022.
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