I will Not be Conflicted!!!

Written by on March 17, 2022

Words Accompanied by The Spirit
Words Accompanied by The Spirit
I will Not be Conflicted!!!

I Will Not be Conflicted

While on vacation with my family I had certain experiences that just really seemed to shine a light on the evilness that dwells on this earth. Writing my thoughts out here is helpful when I am accused of being somewhat disrespectful for telling the truth.

Therefore, I am praying and seeking the Holy Spirit that no matter what I have to say, I am always coming from a place of love. This led me to realize that carnal people do not understand the spiritual warfare that is vying for our souls.

Picture 06 - Ephesians 6:12 KJV - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but - Bible Verse Picture

The Truth is a Two-Edged Sword

Everyone is not going to appreciate authenticity. People become so easily offended. Furthermore, if I am not careful, I can easily allow those negative feelings to be transferred to me.

Someone’s very life can be at stake in certain circumstances. It is also becoming apparent that the devil does not want people to be aware so that maybe even one soul may repent.

Picture 02 - Revelation 12:9 KJV - And the great dragon was cast out, that old - Bible Verse Picture

People Hear What They Want to Hear

It is painfully clear that people are refusing to be accountable. The proverb is clear: People will hear what they want to hear and despise those who are sincere.

As for me, I now realize, as I have gone back and forth on whether what I said was discourteous. Indeed, moving forward, I will believe in Him as long as I am coming from a place of love, sincerity, and discretion, when necessary. I cannot worry about how it is perceived. Everyone will not accept the relevance of working on their mental health.

Image result for free images of feeling conflicted


Earlier I wrote about how I was conflicted, and I will mention at this time somewhat disappointed with the reaction to my experience, which was a valid concern, and later I decided to make waffles for breakfast and when I opened the appliance, I noticed that it hadn’t been cleaned.

I asked my children who used it last and scolded them on the need to be considerate by cleaning it afterward. My flesh wanted to yell and direct my anger toward them, and I have been guilty of doing this in the past, particularly while enduring a tumultuous marriage.

Picture 06 - Ephesians 6:4 KJV - And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to - Bible Verse Picture


The Revelation

But this time I felt the need to stop and to question the motive and intent.  Skeptical of the place that I was coming from. I immediately felt my countenance change.

Refusing to give in to those negative feelings and emotions that would propel me to aim this hostile behavior towards them. My children had nothing to do with what was bothering me.

Picture 04 - Ephesians 4:27 KJV - Neither give place to the - Bible Verse Picture

It had a twofold effect because I realized that I should not fret. It is not worth it. I then thanked the Holy Spirit because it may seem insignificant, but I overcame. And if I am diligent in addressing this behavior, I will be able to handle it appropriately. Thank you, JESUS!!!

Originally written on January 14, 2022.

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