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Fighting with Faith!!! This will be short, but I have been reading from the books of the Bible that were missing from the Protestant Canon. I’m curious as to why these things were left off. I do want to be clear that the Word of God is whole, and one should not be esteemed over […]
Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live!!! For the past few months, I have felt as if the Holy Spirit has been warning me. That unclean and abominable individuals are attempting to attack me. You have no idea, the judgment that is coming for you! I am warning you because we work with occultists, […]
Confusion! A Powerful Evil! As I am interacting with individuals, the Holy Spirit has impressed upon me to warn of this deadly evil because it is found in many. For the aggressor, to pray to cast it out. For the victims, to separate yourselves from the unclean thing. For the instigators who relish this spirit, […]
Established From the Beginning!!! As I read the Word of the LORD I need to warn you that what is spoken is what is written, what is true, and what is to come. Perilous times are coming as revelation has been given. These things are and have happened in the earth and the commandments are […]
With All Your Knowledge Get Understanding!!! As I commune with the Holy Spirit He is impressing upon me the importance of understanding. Let me give you the most obvious example ever presented. When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they only knew that they were naked in that […]
Why Amalgamation is Crucial!!! Today as I was scrolling through YouTube I came to a video where someone was using clips of a speech from Bishop Patrick Wooten. I had seen his videos on my timeline but had not taken the time to watch him. At this time, I have been watching a lot of […]
Origins of The Polygamy Lie In these last days, I am more so focused on my relationship with Jesus than on any other relationship. And more and more I know that He is there for me. But I want to give some revelation of the importance of relationships and why we seem to be so […]
We Will Answer at The Judgment Seat of God As I continue in the Book of Job, the LORD points out a minute part of His creation. The majesty of the beasts He created and their ability to survive and thrive without man. Given distinct traits and characteristics that facilitate their existence. “Do you know […]
Jehovah-Jireh Supplies Every Need!!! As I continue in the Book of Job, I want to point out much of what is taken for granted today. God supplies our every need. And not just ours, but the beasts of the earth down to the insects. When Adam and Eve sinned against Him, He never took away […]
Where Were You?!! Where Were We?! As I come to the 38th chapter of the Book of Job I have been excited for this part. Here God answers Job and any other man who would foolishly question His sovereignty. He tells Job to stand like a man and answer Him. To teach Him. And as […]