The Accountability Factor

Hi, my name is Valencia. I am the founder of Benevolent Woman. A mother, a registered nurse, blogger, podcaster, vlogger, and entrepreneur.

Likewise, I am very passionate about helping those who are unable to help themselves. Having empathy for those less fortunate.  As one who has grown up with the bare minimum of essentials needed to sustain everyday life.

Consequently, I am introducing the newest entity of Benevolent Woman, titled “The Accountability Factor”.

This page is dedicated to empowering the disenfranchised to receive resources that may have been unattainable. To bring restoration to those who have been misappropriated. Victims of duplicity.

Moreover, we ultimately desire to increase your quality of life.

Furthermore, we will not charge you a fee but just ask for a goodwill offering, and a truthful review.

Always coming from a place of love!!!

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