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The newest affirmation
Let Petty Rest in Itself!!!
For those ready to heal mind, body, and soul, welcome!!!
God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). What does it mean to have a sound mind? Stability, security, perseverance, steadfastness, endurance, strength, and balance. This is pivotal because of the gravity of mental health and the lack thereof in the world today.
Of course, the peace and joy of the Lord is attainable, but it is for the unwavering. A gift that is so precious that it is rarely if ever realized.
Additionally, this site is for those that are truly looking to grow and that are willing to work hard and be accountable.
Furthermore, familiarity and a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit is the only way that is procurable. It is a part of discernment and is not for the faint at heart. This is not a game. He is deliberate. And you must be resolute!!!
Here you will be made whole, you will meliorate, and you will grow.
Moreover, this is a place of refuge and cultivation.
Here we will lay aside every burden and transgression that so easily besets us.
I will provide you with daily affirmations and a rare perspective of His Word and how you can apply it to your life, effectively. I started a journal to record my intimacy with the Holy Spirit and His guidance and I am sharing it with you as a map to the rest of your life. The best is yet to come!!!
What’s New
Moreover, we have a new addition to the site. Visit us at our YouTube Channel!
Benevolent Woman’s Vlog –
Additionally, we are now offering inspirational merchandise through our Spring store.
Schedule Life Coaching Sessions –
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